Thursday, January 04, 2007
Happy New Years
I know its been a while since I posted anything. But to behonest not a lot of interesting things have been going on in the security world lately. Everything has been kind of slow due to the holidays. However, I expect that to change.

I've been doing some research lately on some vulnerability classes and doing some inivative work with regards to vulnerabilities. I hope to be sharing my findings with everyone in a few months. Likely I'll be doing a talk at a conference. I haven't decided which one I'd like to talk at yet but I am thinking about it.

I'll post some more in the coming months about common types of vulnerabilities and how to spot them in code. I think people really seem to like that subject. So I'll continue in that trend and post some more vulnerable code and explain why its vulnerable along with the usual stuff thats going on in the security world.

Happy New Years everyone!
posted by bannedit at Thursday, January 04, 2007 | Permalink |