Friday, September 15, 2006
First Post
Well hello there. I'm known by most people within the computer security world as bannedit. I'm a Security Intelligence Engineer for a rather large company and I spend a lot of my time doing security related research. Mainly I enjoy writing exploit code for vulnerabilities and source code auditing. I hang out a lot on a site which hosts wargames which are interesting challenges for people interested in learning more about computer security.

I've been doing computer security research the majority of my life and I enjoy it. I like looking at code which is meant to be secure and finding flaws in it. I'm by no means a bad guy. Many people hear the term hacker and instantly think of the malicous hackers. Not all hackers are bad guys. Everything I do is legal and its how I make a living, doing what I love to do. When I discover a vulnerability in software I commonly report it to the vendor who created the software. I do this so that software can be fixed and in the end be more secure.

So hopefully you enjoy my blog. I intend on posting about some interesting subjects maybe a little about recent security issues and some information about what I'm working on. Hopefully this blog is considered to be educational to everyone at some point.
posted by bannedit at Friday, September 15, 2006 | Permalink |